Facing up

Facing up

av Steven Weinberg

Engelska, 2003
  • Språk Engelska
  • Antal sidor 306
  • Utgiven 2003-05-01
  • Upplaga Nya uppl
  • Förlag Harvard University Press
  • ISBN 9780674011205
Ämne: Naturvetenskap & teknik

In this volume, Steven Weinberg pursues his principal passions, theoretical physics and a deeper understanding of the culture, philosophy, history, and politics of science. Each of these essays, which span 15 years, struggles in one way or another with the necessity of facing up to the discovery that the laws of nature are impersonal, with no hint of a special status for human beings. Defending the spirit of science against its cultural adversaries, these essays express a viewpoint that is reductionist, realist, and devoutly secular. Each is preceded by a new introduction that explains its provenance and, if necessary, brings it up to date.

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